Source code for poku.poku

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Main module. """

import sys
import logging
import configargparse
import webbrowser
import buku

import poku

[docs]def parse_args(args): """ parse arguments using configargparse module """ conf_files = ['/etc/poku/*.cfg', '~/.config/poku/*.cfg'] parser = configargparse.ArgParser(default_config_files=conf_files) parser.add('-c', '--config', is_config_file=True, help='config file path') parser.add('--consumer', required=True, help='pocket consumer key') parser.add('--access', help='pocket access key') args = parser.parse_args(args) return args
[docs]def main(): args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) consumer_key = args.consumer # retrieve access token if not passed, otherwise use if not args.access: request_token = poku.pocket.get_request_token(consumer_key) auth_url = poku.pocket.generate_auth_url(request_token) print(f'Opening {auth_url} in browser') input('Press Enter here once auth request is approved') access_token = poku.pocket.get_access_token(consumer_key, request_token) print(f'Access token: {access_token}') print('Pass as argument or add to config to avoid this step in future') else: access_token = args.access # retrieve pocket items, ensure unique urls and sort pocket_items = [poku.pocket.item_to_dict(i) for i in poku.pocket.get_items(consumer_key, access_token)] pocket_items = poku.utils.dict_list_ensure_unique(pocket_items) pocket_items = poku.utils.sort_dict_items(pocket_items) # retrieve buku items and sort bukudb = buku.BukuDb() buku_items = [poku.buku.item_to_dict(i) for i in bukudb.get_rec_all()]'{len(buku_items)} buku items retrieved') buku_items = poku.utils.sort_dict_items(buku_items) # Add new buku items new_buku_items = poku.utils.dict_list_difference(pocket_items, buku_items) print(f'Adding {len(new_buku_items)} new items to buku') for bi in new_buku_items: bukudb.add_rec(bi['url'], title_in=bi['title'], tags_in=poku.buku.tags_to_tagstring(bi['tags']), delay_commit=True, fetch=False) bukudb.conn.commit()